Raipur, 8 January (H.S.): Simga police, with the help of Gau Rakshaks, has arrested the driver and two helpers along with a truck loaded with cows late last night.
Simga police told on Wednesday that late last night, a truck covered with tarpaulin with sacks on it was going from Balodabazar to Simga through the roads connecting villages. On suspicion, Gau Rakshaks chased the truck for two and a half kilometers. When the truck was stopped and checked, 32 cows were found stuffed in it. Simga police was immediately informed about this. Simga police has arrested truck driver Sonu Pal, helper Irshad Ansari and Anil Reddy and is interrogating them in the case.
Hindusthan Samachar / Jun Sarkar