The Vaccine War comes with a bang
Chennai, 23 September (H.S): Closely on the heels of his blockbuster work The Kashmir Files, Vivek R
The Vaccine War comes with a bang

Chennai, 23 September (H.S): Closely on the heels of his blockbuster work The Kashmir Files, Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri is back and that too with a bang. The Vaccine War, a film based on the Covid-19 pandemic that struck India in 2020 which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people across the nation forms the background of the movie directed by Vivek and he has proved again that he is one of the best movie makers in the world.

What makes Vaccine War is its style of presentation. Vivek has not directly blamed anybody in particular for the outbreak of the pandemic. But the flow of the story makes it clear who are the persons responsible for the pandemic. The film is dedicated to the medical fraternity who nursed back to life millions of persons afflicted with the disease and also the medical scientists who worked round the clock to develop a vaccine to take on COVID-19. It is with a sense of pride and happiness we understand the truth that India has come of age and saved the world from the verge of extinction. Even the USA and European countries, the so-called developed countries had conceded defeat when India stepped in to develop and produce the much-needed vaccine to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

The movie is being released at a time when the Sunday Times of the US has dropped a bombshell with its disclosure that the Chinese military was genetically manipulating the world's deadliest coronaviruses to create a new mutant virus right around the time the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

The Sunday Times news has come with “previously confidential reports, internal memos, scientific papers and email correspondence that have been obtained through sources or by freedom of information campaigners in the three years since the pandemic started. This has been confirmed by investigators at the United States State Department who specialize in China, emerging pandemic threats, and biowarfare.

What stood out during the Covid-19 pandemic was the attempt by the Congress and the Leftists in India to pin down the Central Government accusing it of inefficiency, lethargy and indecisiveness in tackling a disaster like this. A prominent left leader was heard accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the pandemic! Persons obsessed with certain issues will never come out of the world of ignorance and falsehood created by them.

The world recognized the great work done by the Modi Government in stopping the holocaust from spreading. This was amply demonstrated when Narendra Modi recently visited Papua New Guinea when the Prime Minister of that country James Marape touched his feet as a mark of reverence for saving the island nation by providing it with free Covid vaccines!

When Indian companies developed the vaccines for COVID-19, there were many political bigwigs who scorned the feat. A youthful leader all dressed up to be sworn in as Prime Minister of India said that he does not have any trust in the Indian vaccines and would prefer to get vaccinated with foreign vaccines.

The critics of Modi seem to have forgotten the Tablighi Jamaat Congregation held in New Delhi in early 2020 when hundreds of delegates from East Asian countries assembled in the national capital and later spread out across the country as jihadis of the Chinese Communist Party to spread the contagious pandemic. Had India denied permission to these delegates, Modi would have been further blamed as an Islamic hater. The fact is that in India, the Communists, Christians and Islamists have the cake and eat it too.

Vivek Agnihotri’s Vaccine War will definitely go places. It is because the movie is straight from his heart as well as that of Pallavi Joshi’s heart. The couple’s intellectual honesty is sure to get rich dividends. The pre-release review held at Chennai late Friday evening saw the entire audience giving a standing ovation to Vivek and Pallavi.

Hindusthan Samachar

 rajesh pande