Bodies of deceased in Kathmandu plane crash yet to be identified
Kathmandu, 25 July (HS):- Identification of the bodies of 18 people who died in the plane crash on Wednesday in Kathmandu is difficult as the bodies were recovered in a charred condition. The team of doctors at the Forensic Department
Bodies of deceased in Kathmandu plane crash yet to be identified

Kathmandu, 25 July (HS):- Identification of the bodies of 18

people who died in the plane crash on Wednesday in Kathmandu is difficult as

the bodies were recovered in a charred condition. The team of doctors at the

Forensic Department of the Institute of Medical Sciences carrying out the post-mortem

are struggling to establish the identity of the deceased. Head of the

Department Dr Gopal Chaudhari said that the process is time consuming and two

more days will be required before they are handed over to the relatives.

If required, DNA tests will be conducted for establishing

identities of the deceased. Detailed information about the deceased is being

collected from the family members. The bodies will be handed over only after

conducting the autopsy of all the dead bodies, Dr Chaudhari said.

Hindusthan Samachar / Ajay Vasant Mardikar / Manoj Kumar Tayal

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