'Time to hand over the torch to next generation': Joe Biden
Washington, 25 July (HS):- ‘This is the time to hand over the torch to the new generation. American people have their own thoughts to pave way for the next generation”, President Joe Biden said. Biden withdrew from the presidential e
'Time to hand over the torch to next generation': Joe Biden

Washington, 25 July (HS):- ‘This is the time to hand over

the torch to the new generation.

American people have their own thoughts to

pave way for the next generation”, President Joe Biden said. Biden withdrew

from the presidential election and appeared emotional while addressing the

members in his party’s office at Oval.

Biden praised Vice-president Kamala Harris, who is poised to

replace Biden as the party’s candidate. Biden spoke for about 11 minutes, which

was emotional, The New York Times reported.

Kmala Harris watched his address on internet from Huston.

She visited the Emergency Response Centre in Huston and stayed there overnight.

She will address a conference of the American Federation of Teachers on


Hindusthan Samachar / Ajay Vasant Mardikar / Indrani Sarkar

 rajesh pande