Malawi Update: Vice-president, 9 others killed in plane crash
Lilongwe, 11 June (HS): Malawi’s Vice-president Saulos Chilima and nine others were killed as the mi
Malawi Update: Vice-president, 9 others killed in plane crash

Lilongwe, 11 June (HS): Malawi’s Vice-president Saulos Chilima and nine others were killed as the military aircraft they boarded crashed. The Malawi Government stated the plane crash and death of Chilima and nine others.

The plane of the South African country was earlier reported missing and a search operation was ordered. Malawi President and Cabinet issued s statement that the Malawi Defence Force Aircraft that went missing on Monday crashed. The search and rescue team found the remains of the crashed aircraft in Chikangawa on Tuesday morning. All those on board including Vice-President Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima and nine others died in the accident.

Hindusthan Samachar/ Ajay Mardikar/Manoj

 rajesh pande