Happy Independence Day to all countrymen: RSS
New Delhi, 15 August (HS): The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has wished the countrymen a very happy 77
Happy Independence Day to all countrymen: RSS

New Delhi, 15 August (HS): The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has wished the countrymen a very happy 77th Independence Day.

In its greeting message, the Sangh has shared an excerpt from a statement by Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat on August 15, 2022.

Dr. Bhagwat says, We got independence on August 15, 1947. We took our country in our hands from the British. It is a moment of pride for us and also a moment of determination for us. It didn't happen suddenly. We took it, didn't get it by anyone's grace, and got it after a long struggle.

We have that system, but now we have to make it self-sufficient. To be autonomous means to be self-dependent in all matters. Our national flag tells us what kind of country we want to build. What will happen if that country becomes big in the world? It will not rule over other people; it will not wield a stick. He will create the world with his sacrifice; he will sacrifice for the benefit of the world. We will do all this by following the religions of society, humanity, the environment, and creation.

For this, we have to work hard. In the days to come, don't ask what I will get; what does my country give me; what does my society give me? Rather, what am I giving to my country? What am I giving to my society? In my progress, is the progress of my society and the country taking place or not? It is necessary to live my life thinking about it.

Hindusthan Samachar/ Indrani Sarkar

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